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Toni Takes Over

Toni Bennett here. Harry and I are the main characters in Aaron's Bennett & DeMarko Mystery series. Aaron has been busy with school AND trying to get our next book finished so I thought I would help him out with a blog. Read to the end for a surprise.

The Mercer Street Murder, Book 3

Book Blurb

It’s been a long year for Harry DeMarko and Toni Bennett, Private Investigators but the pace shows no signs of slowing down with these cases on the horizon.

When a priest is killed with members of the mob in a drive-by shooting is it a case of wrong place at the wrong time? His daughter isn’t convinced and hires Harry & Toni to investigate. The trail leads from the morgue to the church to the mob but the deeper they dig the murkier it becomes.

Meanwhile Cheddar, the local pimp, is back with a problem at a porn studio where a few of his girls have been working. There’s property damage, equipment theft, and physical attacks – it’s clear someone wants the studio out of business. At the same time, Mr. Dahli, at the local store has an issue with his nephew who is newly arrived in this country. And it’s only Tuesday...

The following is my interview I recently did for a Book Blogger.

1. Toni, what is the best thing about being you?

I work my own hours, I get to carry a gun, and sometimes Harry even lets me shoot people. Plus the coffee's excellent, now that I'm making it.

2. What are you most afraid of?

Waking up and discovering that nothing changed. That Harry died in that alley, he never let me in, and I've got to get my ass back out there on the street. That and the heels.

3. What was the best/worst part about working as a prostitute?

The best part about hooking? Easy- having people give me money for things I like to do anyhow. The worst part? Bad breath. Hands down.

4. What was the best/worst part about working with Harry as a PI?

The best thing is he doesn't look down on me. The worst thing is probably how much he doubts himself. It takes a lot of effort to convince him that he's worth MY time. That can be exhausting.

5. If you could live anywhere - where would you live and why?

There's no place in the world that can top the Bowery. Why would you even ask that? You must not be from here. Your loss. I mean, come on: Katz's, Ray's, Bellini's. CBGB's is two blocks away. The Garden is a cab ride away. And the museums! But mostly the food. All that AND I get to shoot people. This is the greatest town in the world! Even if Jersey IS so close.

Now the surprise. Aaron is sending out ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) of our book. Jump over to his facebook page and follow - then put your email address in the comments with the form you would like the book - Mobi, EPUB or Pdf and the book will be sent to you. THen you just read the book and be ready to post a review when we go live! Not sure about putting your email - send a private email to (if you don't know Jennie, you should - she keeps all of us organized and is ok - even if she is from Jersey!)

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